Welcome to my blog dedicated to my Journey with Teal....Ovarian Cancer. This blog is where I will make updates to my treatments and tests....hoping to keep blog friends updated and answer any questions from visitors. I did not pick this journey, but am doing the best I know how to walk strong and gracefully, with my Lord's continual strength!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Saw my Oncologist today...

New chemo will start March 15. Next week I will have many pre-tests....you all KNOW how I love that! I am praying that this drug will be tolerated well and that I will be able to take it for an extended period of time.

My tummy has been having issues the last couple of days. I am not sure if I have a little bug or I ate something that didn't agree with me. Otherwise I am feeling pretty good.

We have company coming in on the 9th for a few days, so I will be feeling pretty well since I won't have started the new drug yet.

As always, thanks for the prayers and encouragement!



Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Ceekay
Well Australia has it's very first saint!! Mary MacKillop of the Cross. I'll be putting in a good word for you!!

Enjoy your guests and good luck with the tests!!! xx Julie

Bernie said...

Good Luck sweetie, I hope this new drug works and I will keep you in my heart and prayers. Enjoy your company.......:-) Hugs

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Ceekay, Of course I'll be praying for you as you undergo the tests and as you begin the new chemo. Just what you needed - a stomach bug! I hope you can get some rest and start feeling better soon. Sending you big hugs, laurie

Dolores said...

The stomach bug that's going around here is short lived, I hope yours is too!

I'll be praying for easy pre-test for you, and of course for the new medication to be well tolerated, and to do its job.

Enjoy your company.

Karen said...

My sweet CeeKay, I hope it passes by Friday and that you are feeling fit as a fiddle to PLAY! Can't wait to see you.
You are in my prayers every night.
Big hugs! Me.

Heather said...

yay for company coming in! Praying for you Ceekay! Praying this new round works beautifully too.

Myrna said...

Thanks for the updates,Ceekay. Praying for an enjoyable time with your guests full of memories to ponder when undergoing chemo later..

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

Hi Ceekay...catching up with your news tonight.
Goodness...You are an amazing inspiration to me.
Your honesty is refreshing...my arms are wrapped around you...HUGS...can you feel them?
Dave and I both pray for your Cancer to just give up the ghost and be gone.

Love to you my friend,
xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Ceekay, I have just finished reading everything and am standing and believing with you! Hope you feel better soon. Will catch up better when I get back next week. Just got home and am sailing out the door in a few...


Sheila :-)

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I hope you are over the bug by now! I'll be praying for you during the tests next week. I'm glad your company will be there before the treatments start! I think I know who the company is!


Betty G said...

Love, prayers and healing thoughts being sent your way. God bless you! Luv~Betty G

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Ceekay,
I hope the new chemo will be tolerated well. Hope your little bug is gone now too. So glad you are having company. The best medicine while you wait for the new treatment to start is to have company and keep busy.
Have fun and continued prayers for you sweets.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Judi said...

Hi Ceekay
Hopefully you'll have a better day today and the medication you receive will be the one to give you one bigggg fight! I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well.

I will keep you in my strong thoughts and prayers.

Enjoy the visit from your friends thats always a nice thing and spring is just around the corner...thats another nice thing..

I hope you are keeping busy and feeling better and keeping your mind focused on all good.

Phyllis @Around the House said...

Praying for you, just know the new drug is gonna be one of the best for you, just know everyone is fighting a fight of somekind, some like you and some much worse....love your blog, both of them...I just never get anything done hee hee thats ok with me...I am healing as well...Phyllis

Anonymous said...

I am praying every day for you, dear. Good luck with the new treatment.

Susan said...

Wishing you only good days. Hope your feeling better.

Simple Home said...

Hi Ceekay,
I know I've met you through a few blog parties before, but I've just been reading this blog and past posts on your other blog. I'm sorry I didn't catch this before. I'm adding you to my prayer list. I'll be praying that this new treatment goes well. I hope your tummy is better.