Welcome to my blog dedicated to my Journey with Teal....Ovarian Cancer. This blog is where I will make updates to my treatments and tests....hoping to keep blog friends updated and answer any questions from visitors. I did not pick this journey, but am doing the best I know how to walk strong and gracefully, with my Lord's continual strength!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

It is CT time again....

they seem to come so close.....

I see oncologist on Thursday.  I am nervous.  I would appreciate your prayers.


dorothy said...

I am sending positive thoughts and pray that all goes well for you on Thurs. I was diagnosed with OC one year ago this month, so reading your experiences has been very helpful. I am currently undergoing chemo and hoping and praying for the best! Keep up your great attitude. You are an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Your name remains in my prayer journal, I pray for you daily but will bump up my prayers.

Hugs ~ Mary

Ashley ~ said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers*! ((HUGS)) _A*

Rettabug said...

I prayed specifically for you at Mass last night, CK & hope that you get a good report on Thursday. I have you in my ♥, Honey!