I am going to warn you now.....if you don't want to hear this....leave now. I don't want to upset anyone.
I am going through a really bad spell. See, cancer likes to move around....spread. Go to places it has no business going. And my cancer, although, I hate saying mine....is giving me bladder problems. Have you ever had a bladder infection? the pressure, the need to go, etc....well, I have that, but there is no infection. They tell me I have cystitis. I don't really care what it is....I just want it gone.
I am tired. Not the kind of tired you can sleep away. Just worn out. I hurt. Sorry, not trying to complain, but it is the truth. I hurt.
Have I told my doctors. Oh yes, back and forth, different doctors, nurses, PAs.....they all are very kind...and yes, I have tried different meds....most of which will NOT stay down. Nothing seems to be helping.
Of course, it makes me wonder. Is there something they aren't telling me.
I am 61. I look and feel like 81. In fact, probably a lot of 81 are doing better than me.
Yes, you are correct, I am depressed....and I have every reason to be.
I love the Lord with all my heart. And I am ready to go home to be with Him. But I am not ready to leave my husband and family. I LOVE LIFE.....I want it back.
I appreciate everyone every where that prays for me. I ask for you to continue. You don't need to comment.....there is nothing to be said. Just pray for me.
Cancer is Awful....and that is HONESTY!
A Whimsical Alice In Wonderland Dinner Party
2 days ago