Welcome to my blog dedicated to my Journey with Teal....Ovarian Cancer. This blog is where I will make updates to my treatments and tests....hoping to keep blog friends updated and answer any questions from visitors. I did not pick this journey, but am doing the best I know how to walk strong and gracefully, with my Lord's continual strength!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I am a bit frustrated and sad

some days I feel good.  Then I won't feel so good.  We found out that my Hemoglobin is extremely low, so I have to have an iron transfusion.  But, I have to wait for insurance....of course.

I feel guilty coming here and being a Debbie Downer.  I do have good moments.  I saw my grands today and that always makes me happy......but, in the back of my mind, I just don't know why all of a sudden I don't seem to be going forward.

I told my husband that if this doesn't perk up soon, I seriously am going to have to get some help around here.  We hate to have to do it.....but you just can't let things continually go.

So, as soon as I know when I am getting the blood juice....I will let you know.


shannon i olson said...

so sorry, I never had cancer but had severe anemia, when hemoglobin gets low everything just seems harder. Your mind can't focus and your just so tired, I sure hope you get the infusion fast and feel better soon. Prayers and love CeeKay.

Anonymous said...

I am seriously frustrated with the insurance thing! Oh dear Ceekay, I hope you can get it soon (and I will pray about that) and start feeling better! You need to get stronger for another camper trip!!!

Love you bunches,

Beth said...

So sorry, Ceekay. I'm praying for you and your family.
God bless, Beth

Darlene said...

I have not stopped by in a while. Last I stopped by was to ask you about trials as my friend was battling cancer and you so kindly mentioned it depended on how she was doing. Sadly she lost her battle on June 27. I am so glad that you and Ashley have the blogs that you do that help so many as each journey can be so different though lots of similarities as well. We pray, we cry, we laugh when we can and we fight as individuals or as friends or as family in the battle against Cancer. I wish you the very best and will check back in soon to see how you are doing. My thoughts are with you. Hugs, Darlene

White Lace and Promises said...

Honey you be a Debbie Downer all you need to be and let people love on you! I found your blog through another blogger and so glad I did. I'll be praying for you.
