Welcome to my blog dedicated to my Journey with Teal....Ovarian Cancer. This blog is where I will make updates to my treatments and tests....hoping to keep blog friends updated and answer any questions from visitors. I did not pick this journey, but am doing the best I know how to walk strong and gracefully, with my Lord's continual strength!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Saw my doctor yesterday

and everything is good.  He gave me a new sleeping aid and I did use it last night and it seemed to help.  He feels I am just NOT sleeping well enough....so we will see how that goes.

This was round 2, I have to go to 4 to see if it is working.  I pray it is, and I can adjust and start to see some major improvements in my CA number and tumor counts.

He is a fabulous doctor and I know he is doing all that he can.  I get tired and frustrated.....but, he keeps me going.

Thanks for all your encouragement.  Means the world to me.


Anonymous said...

I hope this new sleep aid will help you, Ceekay. I'm thankful for your doctor. God bless you and we will continue to pray for you.

Unknown said...

This is a good update! You are such a trooper!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Great news! I told my doc after menopause that I learned "sleep is everything." And I got a little help in that area too. So sleep tight tonight, sweet Ceekay!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

That is wonderful new, Ceekay, and we will pull with you all the way. We want you to beat this SO much and believe that you will.



Blondie's Journal said...

Sleep is good!! We are praying for you!


Helen said...

Keeping you in my thoughts, sleep well tonight.

Bernie said...

Just popping in to see how you were doing, you seem to still have that wonderful attitudes that carries you through each challenge. Sending to big hugs and tons of prayers, :-)

Rettabug said...

A good nights sleep is SOOOO restorative! I'm hoping & praying that it continues to give you rest.

Your fight against this cancer is so very inspiring, CK. Never doubt that you are doing God's work on this earth, just by the way you deal with it & keep on keeping on.

Gentle Healing Hugs,