Welcome to my blog dedicated to my Journey with Teal....Ovarian Cancer. This blog is where I will make updates to my treatments and tests....hoping to keep blog friends updated and answer any questions from visitors. I did not pick this journey, but am doing the best I know how to walk strong and gracefully, with my Lord's continual strength!

Monday, June 3, 2013

1st round of chemo down

I see my doctor on Thursday.  I wish I could say that I feel great, but I don't.  Not sick, just not myself.  Hoping I will get some answers at my visit.  Maybe my blood count is down. 

My hair is growing....not as fast as I would like it, but growing.  I think I may keep it a little shorter than I normally do.  It sure is easier to take care of.  But we will see.  I have always liked longer hair than shorter.

Thank you for caring about me....and for all the prayers.  I appreciate it so much.

Will let you know how the doctor goes on Thursday.



I will be praying so Thursday is a good news day for you, sweet friend. Keep strong as you've been so far. I will keep you in my prayers. Big hugs,

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Awww, sorry you aren't feeling like your usual self. I am sending you healing thoughts and prayers. You are such a loving lady. Be well. xo Linda

Yvonne said...

Prayers sent from Louisiana!

eleven-o-one said...

Praying for you today.

Anonymous said...

I pray for you every day, sweetness!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Thinking of you and saying a prayer that you will kick this thing to the curb.

