Welcome to my blog dedicated to my Journey with Teal....Ovarian Cancer. This blog is where I will make updates to my treatments and tests....hoping to keep blog friends updated and answer any questions from visitors. I did not pick this journey, but am doing the best I know how to walk strong and gracefully, with my Lord's continual strength!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Doing good

Well, I did pretty good with the chemo this time. Even though I was concerned having it so close to Christmas day, we made it through. I am on a Clinical trial - a drug that is to keep the tumors from sending out feelers to spread and grow. I have very little side effects except for fatigue. That is true for just about any chemo drug I think!
I wish I could get rid of this upper respitory issue. It starts to go away, and then comes back just like the first day. I am limited as to what OTC I can take....
Just praying that the next CT scan will show definately a significant improvement. I can stay on this medication open ended....which would be nice as long as it continues to work.

Continue to pray for Ashley. She is suffering the after effects from the stem-cell transplant. Poor girl has been ill for both her birthday and Christmas.


Blondie's Journal said...

I am hoping that this trial works for you you too, Ceekay. And I am sick with worry over Ashley. Isn't infection the worse thing that could happen to her?? I'm not to educated on this. I could just cry and get nervous about the next post that comes through. I am trying to stay positive but I have grown so fond of her, I can't pray enough...

Prayers going out to you as well, my friend. Get rid of that cold for good!!


Heather said...

I'm glad to hear you were ok for Christmas. You know we're all praying for you, every day!

Phyllis @Around the House said...

I am happy you are here now...thats what i keep saying to myself as well, I had lung cancer and they operated a year ago and everything looks good so far, but as you know it is only as good as the next test, I just keep saying, well I am here today...You look like a survivor to me, I am bettin on you, I am a follower cause i wanna be there when you are completely recovered.....Phyllis

Melissa Miller said...

You are doing wonderful Ceekay! I'm so proud of you. E-mail me anytime you would like okay.

Daria said...

Ceekay ... I sure hope the next CT scan shows the chemo is working.

All the best to you.