Welcome to my blog dedicated to my Journey with Teal....Ovarian Cancer. This blog is where I will make updates to my treatments and tests....hoping to keep blog friends updated and answer any questions from visitors. I did not pick this journey, but am doing the best I know how to walk strong and gracefully, with my Lord's continual strength!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Popping in to say Hi!

I just wanted to post and say hello. I have been feeling pretty well. My next CT is next week, but this week, I am enjoying celebrating our 37th anniversary!!
Still the stomach issues persist...some days worse than others...but, I am handling it. I have lost about 40 pounds...which I had to lose...but I don't recommend this diet!!
I will definately be back to let you know how the CT scan went....have a great week!!



Nanette said...

Hi Ceekay,
Happy Anniversary, enjoy your week!

Bernie said...

Happy Anniversary ceekay, hope you had a great day. Sorry to hear you are still having tummy issues, perhaps after the CT scan the doctor will be able to prescribe something that will help it to settle......:-)Hugs

Karen said...

Happy Anniversary!
So . . . where did all those years go?

Rose said...

sorry just reading your post. spring cleaning still going on taking a break. that's alot of weight loss. 37 years, that's a long time, cong. hope it's a good day for you. rose

Dee@FrenchBleuVintage said...

Wow!! 37 years. That is quite a wonderful accomplishment. Have a simply fantastic anniversary.

Lisa Smith said...

Happy, happy anniversary! Each year deserves its own special celebration but 37 deserves a special rank of celebration all its own!

I will be praying for your scans. I know the physical and emotional drain of them. I also know the glorious freedom of not having to drive to the med center every day, every week. I have one month without the trip and I am so loving September!!!

Enjoy your "vacation" and celebrate extra long this month!

SweetAnnee said...

I hate steroids too. A necessary evil though. I'll check back for your results this week. Praying for you my dear.

Linda said...

Happy 37th Anniversary! hugs, Linda