Welcome to my blog dedicated to my Journey with Teal....Ovarian Cancer. This blog is where I will make updates to my treatments and tests....hoping to keep blog friends updated and answer any questions from visitors. I did not pick this journey, but am doing the best I know how to walk strong and gracefully, with my Lord's continual strength!

Friday, March 18, 2011

I Have Had a Secret!

I have had the most wonderful thing happen to me!  I was published in a new Online Magazine called Living Better at 50+.  My first article was My Journey with Teal.  If you would like to read it here is the link:  http://livingbetterat50.com/?p=1814

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Oh for Goodness Sake!

Today was doctor day.  So here is the condensed version.  Saw my monthly visit at the eye doctor.  Needed to order more contacts.  But I mentioned that I felt I wasn't seeing as clearly as last year.  Yeah duh, my prescription has changed.  So ordered new contacts.  Oh, ok....now to see my oncologist.  So he comes in and says...How you been feeling?  Me:  Oh, ok I guess.  Dr.  No, you haven't.  You have an UTI.  Me:  Really?  Well, I haven't felt the best, ( insert that really I haven't felt particularly well, but I hate to complain.)  But, no, I am officially sick.  On antibiotics.  Then, Dr....do you know how much weight you lost this month?  Me:  No, a few pounds....Dr....9 more pounds.! So, now I am on another anti diarreah medicine.  Oh man, I was exhausted by the time we got out of there.  Came home and took a nap.  I have to call them next week and HONESTLY tell them how I am doing.

So much for thinking things were ok!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hi All!

This coming week is one of doctor visits again.  It seems like the months roll by so quickly.  But I had the best day today....why?  well, I tried fake toenails.  I don't know what took me so long....my poor toes suffered from one of the types of chemo and I was just bemoaning not being able to wear flip flops!  I found these at Walmart!  I am thrilled.  They look so good.....supposed to last a week, but we will see with baths and showers...but even if they only work a couple of days....I am still happy with it!  Ordered another eyebrow pencil product.  This will be my fifth.  Hopefully I will be happy with it.  My eyebrow on the left never came back in very good....and you know we need eyebrows!

Been trying to shop and find some clothes for my trip....had some success...but still a ways to go.  Losing weight is wonderful, but quite a major thing when you need everything new.  I have never worn the size I am in now!!  And I need a swin suit.  Oh mercy!!  I may need a Xanax for that trip!!  That will be the last thing I buy!

Talk to you all again soon!  Have a good week!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Just checking in!

Hard to believe how quickly the days pass.  I try so hard to squeeze everything I possibly can out of a day!  Looking forward to an important event is fun, but I try not to focus too much on that and lose TODAY!

I am feeling pretty good.  I do believe that the current treatment is building up in my body and tends to give me a bit more fatigue than I would like.  But, what can you do huh?

I have been trying to do some clothes shopping.  What a challenge.  I have lost a lot of weight due to the meds and I really have very little that fits me properly.  But I don't want to spend too much as I could gain some back when they change my meds.  Plus, all sizes are so different. 

Since my surgery I struggle with waists in pants and dresses.  I could wear almost 2 sizes smaller, but I cannot stand anything binding around the middle.  Which I have to guess where that is cuz I no longer have a real waist.  Not a real belly button either.  Said good bye to that with my ovaries and etc!!!

Then IF I find something that fits, like capris (I love them) they only have one pair....hello, like what about different colors?  I just don't think the stores are putting in the same amount of articles due to the economy.  Oh well, I am finding things bits and pieces.

Today hubby is back to work from his days off and I am going to fluff around the house.  You know...get it back to the way I like it...not just man clean!!

I will talk to you all again soon.  Enjoy the day!!